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fuel tank for sale

Posted: |November 12th, 2008|, 8:17 pm
by Mr_Moto
Hi All,

I'm selling a silver fuel tank for a 650 Raptor.

I had a keen plan to shorten it at the back and fit it to my 1000 Rap but found out that the material is not fibre rather than nylon. So I cancelled the plan.

The price is 90 Euros (which is something around 75 Pound) plus shipping costs (I have to find out but this shouldn't be too much, I'm working with Brits every day and sending things from Germany to England...). It is what I payed for it...

It is NOT in good condition but as well not damaged. It showes several scratches but for race trak use is fine. Also if somebody likes a different colour and wants to paint this one rather than his original one would be fine. I can surely send suitable pictures via email. Just let me know: mr_moto "at"

